
FlexLib component list


This wiki page contains a list of all components contained in the current build of flexlib. After adding new components to FlexLib, you should edit this page and include a short summary of the component and the links to the ASDoc documentation and the sample SWF file, if available. Include the names of contributors for each component.

package: flexlib.controls


A control that combines the functionality of the Tree component and the List component. The ConvertibleTreeList allows you to use one control and have it display the dataProvider either as a Tree or as a List. You only have to set the dataProvider once. You can set the mode at any time to change the display mode.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune

HSlider and VSlider

Alternatives to the HSlider and VSlider controls included in the Flex framework. This version of the HSlider and VSlider allows you to drag the region between the thumbs, if the slider has mutliple thumbs. If there is more than one thumb then the region between the leftmost thumb and the rightmost thumb is draggable.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


The ImageMap control is an implementation of a client-side image map component, like it is supported in HTML.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


The PromptingTextInput component is a small enhancement to standard TextInput. It adds the ability to specify a prompt value that displays when the text is empty, similar to how the prompt property of the ComboBox behaves when there is no selected value.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Darron Schall


An extension of ScrollableMenu that uses two arrow buttons placed at the top and bottom of the menu for scrolling.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


An extension of mx.controls.Menu that allows the control to scroll vertically.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


ScrollableMenuBar is an extension of MenuBar that uses flexlib.controls.ScrollableMenu instead of using the original mx.controls.Menu. This allows us to specify a maxHeight for the ScrollableMenuBar and that maxHeight will be used to determine the maxHeight for all the menus that the component generates.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


ScrollablePopUpMenuButton is an extension of PopUpMenuButton that uses flexlib.controls.ScrollableMenu instead of using the original mx.controls.Menu, which adds scrolling functionality to the menu.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


The SuperTabBar control extends the TabBar control and adds drag and drop functionality and closable tabs. Used by the SuperTabNavigator.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune

package: flexlib.containers


The Advanced Form component provides Reset, Undo and Redo functionality. Undo and Redo are accessed by pressing "ctrl-Z" and "ctrl-Y" respectively.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Renaun Erickson


This is a Container component that uses buttons placed over the edges of the container to do the scrolling of its children. These buttons can either scroll the children when the user moves the mouse over them, or via mouse click. The buttons can be fully skinned.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


This is a Container component that allows the user to drag the contents to scroll the children, instead of or in addition to using the scrollbars.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


A Horizontal Accordion component. Works exactly like the normal Accordion component, except the item headers are rotated and they cascade from left to right, instead of top to bottom.

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune


The SuperTabNavigator is an extension of the TabNavigator navigation container. It functions exactly like the TabNavigator, but adds some functionality. Added functionality includes: 1. Draggable, re-orderable tabs, 2. Closable tabs, 3. Scrolling tab bar if too many tabs are open, 4. Drop-down list of tabs

Documentation | Example | Contributor: Doug McCune

[출처] FlexLib component list|작성자 jangcha75


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