윈도우7 64비트 오라클 사용

ndlessrain 2012. 7. 29. 20:52

네이버에서 "toad for oracle 64bit"으로 검색함

Running Toad for Oracle in a 64-bit Environment
출처 : http://www.toadworld.com/BLOGS/tabid/67/EntryId/392/Running-Toad-for-Oracle-in-a-64-bit-environment.aspx

Re: Running Toad for Oracle in a 64 bit environment

I installed Toad and works fine for me.
Don't install in c:\program files (x86) since Toad cannot handle this location.
I installed in C:\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle
After install, I opened the TNS editor and closed it again.
Restart Toad and there you go.

Re: Running Toad for Oracle in a 64 bit environment

Win7 64-bit, TOAD 10 for Oracle

This setup only worked with a 11gR2 32-bit Oracle client - all other 11g client versions were incompatible with TOAD 10.
It seems the R2 is the only client fully compatible with Windows 7.
The use of an alternative install folder name for TOAD didn't work for us.
Bear in mind that 32-bit registry entries in a 64-bit environment is placed in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node subkey.


출처 : http://walnbobbbol.tistory.com/172

Toad for Oracle in Windows 7 64 bit
2010/08/02 00:01 in Major/Oracle If you use Windows 7 64 bit, maybe you use Oracle Client for Windows 7 64bit.

In my case, I used Oracle Client for Windows 7 64 bit.

When I installed toad for Oracle. I saw one message "You Have No Oracle Clients Installed".

I didn't know why that kinds of error was happened, because I was already installed Oracle Client.

Maybe many of person saw same message, if they use Windows 7 64 bit.

I have a solution, you must install Oracle Client for Windows 7 32 bit.

Because Toad for Oracle just supply for 32bit Oracle client.

That's the reason why the error was happened.

In conclusion, you need to install Oracle Cliend for 32 bit.


출처 : http://microdesk.tistory.com/115
에서는 32비트용 을 설치한다.

네이버에서 "You Have No Oracle Clients Installed" 로 검색

카페글에서 "windows7 OS에서 toad 설치시 오류!"

1) Oracle Client 버전은 10g 32bit 버전으로 설치
2) Toad는 9.x 버전 설치


출처 : http://microdesk.tistory.com/115

Windows 7 64bit 에서 Toad 사용 방법

<< 개발환경 >>

- Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate K
- Oracle 10g - 10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_db (테스트용 로컬 DB 이므로 필요)
- Oracle 10g - 10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_client
- Oracle 10g - 10203_vista_w2k8_x86_production_client (32 Bit 용 Toad 를 위해 필요)

<< 64비트 환경에서의 오라클 10g 설치 >>

1. 10204_vista_w2k8_x64_production_db (혹은 client) 의
database\install\oraparam.ini 파일 수정

[Certified Versions]
#You can customise error message shown for failure, provide value for CERTIFIED_VERSION_FAILURE_MESSAGE
Windows=5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0,6.1 // (추가되는 부분 6.1)

2. database\stage\prereq\db\refhost.xml 수정

<CERTIFIED_SYSTEMS> 이 부분 사이 맨 마지막에


3. database\stage\prereq\db_prereqs\db\refhost.xml 수정

<CERTIFIED_SYSTEMS> 이 부분 사이 맨 마지막에


4. database\setup.exe 실행

<< 64비트 환경에서의 32 Bit Toad (Toad 9.7.2 기준) 에서의 주의사항 >>

* x64 Windows (xp, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, 7) 환경
* x64 Oracle 10g Database 이용 (Release
* Toad for Oracle 9.7.2 (32bit Thirdparty) 이용

* Toad 이용상의 이슈 사항
- 동작은 하는데 Import 가 제대로 안된다.
- oci.dll 이 해당 경로에 있는데도 찾는다.

* 해결방안
- 32비트용 Oracle Client (Release 을 설치해준다.

* 후속 해결방안
- Windows 7, Server 2008 용 (x64 Supported) Toad 10.1.1 을 설치한다.


결론 :

오라클 클라이언트 32bit를 설치함(내경우에는 win32_11gR2_client 설치함). 즉 버전에 관계없이 32bit를 설치해야 함. 10g는 따로 설정해주어야 하므로, 11g r2를 설치하는 것이 바람직함

toad는 9.x 를 설치함

해결완료 !!!!!!!!!!!!
