라즈베리파이 usb테더링 Raspberry pi usb tethering

ndlessrain 2013. 8. 19. 10:05

USB tethering from Android to Raspberry Pi

USB tethering will not work with initial default config of usb port in rasp pi, this is one of many way to connect your RPi through your android internet connection using usb tethering


1. Boot your Raspberry Pi

2. Edit the network interface configuration file

# sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

3. Add this following line “iface usb0 inet dhcp”

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
iface usb0 inet dhcp

4. Save the file. Ctrl-o and exit Ctrl-x

5. Run the new configuration

# sudo ifup usb0

6. Reboot your RPi

# sudo reboot

출처 : http://xsatria.wordpress.com/2013/07/09/usb-tethering-from-android-to-raspberry-pi/

그런데 위의 방법으로 되지 않음.

interfaces 수정 후 ifconfig 로 usb0 이 보이는걸 확인하고 sudo dhclient usb0 하고나서 ping www.google.com 하면 정상적으로 핑이 감.

